Shop Window Tinting Films
Display windows in shops used to be a problem as trying to recommend which film to use. The normal complaint from our customers is the fading of goods, fabrics and stockwithin the display window.
Sun control films were normally reflective which defeated the object of having a display window as vision was impaired into the shop.
We now offer a full range of Window Tinting Films which are suitable for display windows.

Ultra-Violet window film to protect expensive fabrics and furniture
Most causes of fading are predominately from Ultra-Violet light passing through the glass from the outside. However there are other causes such as pollution, direct heat scorch from the sun, lights to name just a few.
In order to reduce the fading of goods on display the Ultra-Violet from the outside needs to be reduced dramatically. This can be achieved very quickly and economically by the application of a film onto the display window. Since all our films screen out 99% of the Ultra-Violet it is a case of deciding which product to choose.
It is a case of determining the major cause or causes of the fading as our clear security/safety range of films screen out 99% of the Ultra-Violet light. If it is just Ultra-Violet then a clear film will suffice. However if direct heat from the sun is an added factor then we need to look into the lightly tinted or ceramic range. We offer a full range of semi-reflective, light grey, bronze and smoke and the latest cutting edge technology range of films in the ceramic series and UVA 151.
Our UVA 151 enables you to reduce the damaging effects of Ultra-Violet A radiation and to delay the fading and loss of colour. Because of its’ light-blue grey tint, it does not alter the glass transparency or change the colours of goods on display in the window through the glass.
Once the correct material has been assessed the application is very quick with a minimal amount of disruption to your shop routine. We will arrange for the installation to be carried out during your quieter time or on a half day and if necessary out of hours. We just need clear access approximately 3 feet from the glass to get a pair of step ladders in, if needed and the film application is very speedy therefore there is a minimal disruption to your marketing routine.